This class was my first experience with blogging ever! I had a lot to learn, and I did learn a few tricks for blogging. For my final project I focused on the little things that bloggers do in a post to keep their readers interested. After all, this is one of the most important things. Blogging is not like formal righting, and this is why you can have a lot more fun with a blog post than an essay. You can have a sentence fragment, usually when making a list, which would never be acceptable in an essay! A blog conveys an individual’s personal opinion, and gives them the freedom to share virtually anything they want to. My final project  was definitely inspired by Michael Agger’s, “Lazy Eyes: How We Read Online.”

In my e-book, I talk about tips that one may need when making a blog. These tips are ways to spice up a blog post. I talk about the importance of lists with billet points, bolding, italicizing, pictures, and more. I believe that one reason why blogs are so popular is the fact that many of the posts are not too long, which is attractive to people on the go and always on a rush. “Short but sweet” was the phrase I used to describe a perfect blog post. I emphasized the importance of making a post easy to read in order to keep the reader interested

Here’s My Final Project:



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