A Response to ‘Women Against Feminism.’


Imagine this:

The year is 2014. You are a white Western woman. You wake up in the morning in a comfortably sized house or flat. You have a full or part-time job that enables you to pay your rent or mortgage. You have been to school and maybe even college or university as well. You can read and write and count. You own a car or have a driver’s licence. You have enough money in your own bank account to feed and clothe yourself. You have access to the Internet. You can vote. You have a boyfriend or girlfriend of your choosing, who you can also marry if you want to, and raise a family with. You walk down the street wearing whatever you feel like wearing. You can go to bars and clubs and sleep with whomever you want.

Your world is full of freedom and possibility.

Then you…

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This class was the first attempt at blogging that I have ever made.  In fact, I never even read a blog before becoming a student in this class.  As a science major, I never really thought that blogging would be of any academic interest to me.  However, after taking this class I learned that blogging was so much for than just that.  Through blogging, I have learned that there is so much to find on the internet.  Everyone has a different views and opinions and blogging is a safe outlet for those individuals to allow themselves to be heard.

For my final project I decided to expand upon one of the articles that we read in class, “The Web Means the End of Forgetting.”   The article was about the usage of social media and how it has changed the communication world during our generation.  I found this article extremely interesting because it really taught me that once something is released into cyber-space, it cannot be taken back.  I feel that this is a huge problem in our society today, especially among women.  I have made this e-book in order to detail to college aged women exactly how their social media rants can affect them in their future work place.




Ebook Final Project

This class was my first kind of “technology” class since high school. I enjoyed it, especially the article, “How YouTube Changes Everything,” by Miguel Helft. The article made me realize that technology is changing so much and we are not even batting our eyes to the changes. Think back to when YouTube started in 2005, the most high tech phone there was was the “Motorola Razr.” Now our whole lives revolve around technology. In just a short time, we cannot imagine our lives without all of our favorite websites, smartphones, and computers. We never will have to be without our technology again, but we do have to realize that it is changing and appreciate it for what it is.

ebook 2

Final Project – How YouTube is Changing Professional Orchestras

How YouTube is Changing Professional Orchestras

Before the Internet, and consequently YouTube, came along, people had a narrower view on professional orchestras such as the New York Philharmonic. It was difficult to get a personal point of view on the group because there were less outreach programs.

YouTube has become the biggest outreach program for groups such as the NYPhil. They post videos, categorized into season for ease, to show behind-the-scenes situations, interviews, and backstage performances.

Final Project: Ebook

This class was my first kind of “technology” class since high school. I enjoyed it, especially the article, “How YouTube Changes Everything,” by Miguel Helft. The article made me realize that technology is changing so much and we are not even batting our eyes to the changes. Think back to when YouTube started in 2005, the most high tech phone there was was the “Motorola Razr.” Now our whole lives revolve around technology. In just a short time, we cannot imagine our lives without all of our favorite websites, smartphones, and computers. We never will have to be without our technology again, but we do have to realize that it is changing and appreciate it for what it is.

My ebook

Modern Science

In this class we learned a lot about how media affects the world around us. This ebook looks at the ways that science education and outreach about science has changed. Having the ability to reach more people using the internet has been a key part of how the people in the the ebook reach their audience and have the ability to spread what they are interested to others.

Being a little new, the internet is still explored by people looking to educate the masses. Using modern techniques we learned about in class, these individuals are able to reach more people in a much shorter amount of time than ever before. While they may loose some of the official ground that teachers and professors have in the classroom but a way to accurately inform people about science is very important and exciting to be seen done with these new methods.

Final Presentation



I learned how to be a better writer during the course of this semester. I created this E-Book Final Presentation in hopes to encourage others to do the same -to use their words and bring more beauty into the world through writing and the use of digital media.


One idea that has changed the way I feel about digital media, is the idea that we all have a unique voice, one that is worth hearing. What I mean by that is we all have something, beautiful and personal to offer the creative world around us. We need not be intimidated or feel unworthy of participating. We must simply learn how to channel our individuality and express it whether it is through writing, visual art, dance, music, theatre, etc…



This class was my first experience with blogging ever! I had a lot to learn, and I did learn a few tricks for blogging. For my final project I focused on the little things that bloggers do in a post to keep their readers interested. After all, this is one of the most important things. Blogging is not like formal righting, and this is why you can have a lot more fun with a blog post than an essay. You can have a sentence fragment, usually when making a list, which would never be acceptable in an essay! A blog conveys an individual’s personal opinion, and gives them the freedom to share virtually anything they want to. My final project  was definitely inspired by Michael Agger’s, “Lazy Eyes: How We Read Online.”

In my e-book, I talk about tips that one may need when making a blog. These tips are ways to spice up a blog post. I talk about the importance of lists with billet points, bolding, italicizing, pictures, and more. I believe that one reason why blogs are so popular is the fact that many of the posts are not too long, which is attractive to people on the go and always on a rush. “Short but sweet” was the phrase I used to describe a perfect blog post. I emphasized the importance of making a post easy to read in order to keep the reader interested

Here’s My Final Project:



Final Project: E-Book on my experience with Podcast

Ever since I was thoroughly introduced to Podcasts a few months ago in this class, I’ve been hooked on them. They have really changed the way I now view radio shows. I used Microsoft Publisher to create this e-book. The process was much harder than when I used Apple Pages, so the design looks quite terrible, but I hope you won’t think too badly of it.

Here it is:

Multimedia Comp Final Project Ebook

Final Project: Podcast on Reddit

For my final project I created a podcast explaining what the website Reddit is. Reddit is a forum on the Internet that is one of the most visited websites recently. It is pretty much a gate way to everything interesting happening in the world. It’s similar to reading a newspaper, but unlike the paper counter part, Reddit is timely, interactive, personalized, participatory, absorbing and good. It works by people submitting links of blog posts, images and videos. Other users vote the links up or down. Its a simple idea that makes Reddit the list of the best stuff that people are reading right now. The contraction of Reddit is read it. If you read Reddit enough you’ll be saying that to everyone who tries to show you anything.

Another thing about Reddit is that there are no editors. But you know that the posts you are reading will be good because thousands of other users already voted that it is something to see. Another way to explain it is that Google is where you go to search for things and Reddit is where you go to see the things people have already found. Its good to know that Reddit is not one list of things. It is diverse and contains subreddits. Which are branches of the website dedicated to topics of interest such as : programming, funny, aww, sports, world news, and even subreddits for your city, region, state, country, school, organization, music, movies, gaming, and books. If you can’t find what you are looking for you can create your own subreddit with a press of a button. Each subreddit works like the main site.

The sorting process is difficult to explain. A good analogy is that the links people post are like balloons. When people vote it up, you add helium so it rises to the top of the list. When people vote it down, you suck out helium so it sinks down to the bottom of the list. Over time Reddit adds weight to these balloons so new balloons can be seen by other people.

Since Reddit covers all of humanity’s endeavors. Reddit can get weird. But only because humans are weird and humans are what make up Reddit. Reddit changes to suit your best interest as when you join subreddits you like and leave subreddits you dislike, the main page picks out the best links from your subreddits and show you.

In that case, Reddit is a lot like life. It is what you make it.

The links are only the tip of the ice burg. People have discussions that is sometimes more interesting than the links themselves. It is the true heart of Reddit. Reddit encourages back and forth discussions that is not seen in most forums.  Each post can have a sub post and has the voting method of up and down as well. Some subreddits are just discussions such as : changemyview, eli5 (Explain it to me like I am 5), ask a scientist.

Users have the choice to be anonymous. This makes Reddit more interesting as people are more confident over the computer. Be warned, not everyone’s private thoughts are beautiful. They sometimes make you feel very uncomfortable to read. But Reddit only exists because the majority of the people are good. So most of the stuff you see are good.

Being anonymous is optional so presidents, actors, and musicians use Reddit for promotional reasons and answer questions. Reddit has its own culture with its own history. It has affects the real physical world with things like meeting up in person, raising money for charity, defending the internet, helping a family be with their sick child, holding the world’s largest secret santa, and sending school supplies to schools in need.

With it’s rapid fire democracy and shockingly quick reactions it makes you seem like the citizen of the Internet than your own country sometimes.


Final Project Link. Click here to listen !


P.S. Reddit in latin is render which is “to submit for consideration or approval”