final blogging podcast

My project was for me to asses how people get youtube famous. We talked about this in class and decided that mostly it’s purely luck. There is a difference between say Justin Beiber and Jenna Marbles. Justin Beiber became famous off of youtube because Usher discovered him doing covers of songs that he put on youtube for his grandmother to watch. On the other hand Jenna Marbles was simply one of the millions of really funny people on youtube whose videos just became more and more popular. On her webpage she says herself that she started doing videos and she guesses that they just caught on so she kept doing them. I guess what happened is that she shared the video on her facebook and twitter account, people who liked it retweeted it or shared it and those people shared it with other people well you get my point.

Anyways, I am proud to say that my best friend runs a little blog and it’s starting to really get popular. When I asked her why her reply was simple yet a little startling: sex

She said as soon as she switched her blog posts from a book she was reading and little things to writing about sex and sex related things the amount of people reading her blog tripled. Her most viewed blog now has over 25,000 views from seven different countries including U.S, Canada, and Germany. Her blog has blog post titles such as The Power Dynamics of Sex and 10 Things Guys Unintentionally Do That Girls Go Crazy Over.


So here’s the podcast!

My Final Project About YouTube!

So for my final project I decided to make a video since I really enjoyed making the video project with my group. I decided to make this video about YouTube and the history of YouTube. I asked three people besides myself the following questions:

  • How often do you watch YouTube videos?
  • Do you have any favorite YouTube videos or YouTube stars?
  • How do you think YouTube will effect the future of television?

I interviewed myself as well. This was extremely awkward.

I was inspired to do this project because a. I LOVE YOUTUBE and b. the article we read for class about YouTube was one of my favorites. I think it is definitely an important and interesting question to ask: what will happen to YouTube in the future and in turn what will happen to T.V.?! This is especially interesting since television can now be watched on portable devices. Still, when thinking about this issue I was struck with the idea that watching television -actually sitting down in front of a T.V.- is a very different experience than watching T.V. shows from your phone or tablet. I started to wonder whether I would want to simply replace T.V. with YouTube. And what would other people want?



Tumblr vs. WordPress Final Video

Before this class, I didn’t have any experience with WordPress, or blogging, really. I just had my little tumblr account that I would scroll through whenever I was bored or feeling creative. After experiencing a semester with WordPress, I see some similarities and quite a few differences.

(Twitter + Vlogger)
I mostly use it for photos
Has a post limit
Mostly for younger blogging base
More restrictive
People can ask you questions
When I hashtag something on WordPress, it seems to get more response
Mostly used to text posts (with photos)
No post limit
More about writing, which is probably why the blogging base is older than that of tumblr
More extensive control over your blog
Posts are more personal
Most posts are original
A lot of people use WordPress to make money-making websites

Dashboards vs. Reader
You can “like” and “follow”
Both incorporate hashtags
You can pay to own your own url without the ( or portion

I can see why people appreciate both Tumblr and WordPress. To me, they both have different uses. I would use Tumblr for fun and to mess around when I’m bored. I would use WordPress as a place to express my thoughts and share ideas with a more interactive community of people who are doing something similar.




My Podcast/Video Hybrid-thing about YouTube

My initial idea was to do a podcast with my brother where we wold talk about YouTube. But I felt like doing a podcast was very bland and I felt like I needed to add visuals to it. So I decided to record my brother and I, recording the podcast. The audio and video were both recorded separately because I wanted my podcast to still have the “podcast” sound/feel to it and I didn’t trust my camera’s microphone to pick up the audio. I also decided to try my best in making the podcast look like a real recording session, so you’ll see headphones, a mic, and product placement being used in the video. Also, I added a commercial in the middle of the video (4:10).


Watching Youtube has basically become a regular part of my life. I have a couple of Youtubers that I follow on a daily basis. It’s one of my favorite background noises while I do work. My brother and I have close to the same tastes as far as who we are subscribed to.

The reason why I wanted to do a podcast because before this class, I never entertained the idea of doing one. I’ve made videos before, but podcasts are really something different. Learning about podcasts and actually doing one was really fun. My brother and I talk about who he’s subscribed to and what about the Youtubers that made him still watch their videos today, etc. It’s basically going to be a conversation between the two of us.


Guide to Fashion Blogging E-Book

Through out this class, I have learned so much more about blogging. I came into this class with a blogging background since my friend and I run our own blog, but I definitely got a lot more insight on keeping the blog more efficient. For my final project I decided to do an E-book Guide on how to create a fashion blog, using everything we learned in class, as well as incorporating my own details. Blogging is becoming so popular these days, I see so many fashion bloggers getting jobs as bloggers for designers and online writers for sites such as: PopSugar and It’s become a way of showing your creativity and showing how tech savvy you can be. I love it as my hobby and I hope you guys enjoy my E-Book!

Confessions of a Technophobe.

Yes, you’ve read that correctly, a technophobe was actually registered for a class about digital media this semester. For my final project I decided to make an ebook about how it was for me constantly working with technology while also being hesitant to using it. Once over my (irrational) anxiety, I was able to not only enjoy the class, but also learn from it! Enjoy!


Confessions of a Technophobe

Food & Multimedia – Final E-Book Project by Sarah Jaihe Lee

For my final project, I will be discussing how people have shared recipes through YouTube, blogs and websites. Hence, the title, “Food & Multimedia.” It’s interesting how multimedia has changed the way people cook and bake, and how people are able to share their recipes with others. I offer my perspective on food blogs and why they are great for food lovers and people who are getting into food and baking. I also share a recipe of my own and my favorite food bloggers/YouTubers. I learned a lot throughout the semester and share my first-hand experience with food blogging on Jaihe’s Kitchen. I had mixed-feelings about it but now that the semester is almost over, I definitely find the experiencing rewarding and something I’ll carry with me throughout my life. It was a great learning experience and I now know what goes behind the scenes of a food blog and how much work goes into one. I have so much respect for food bloggers. Although I don’t plan on writing anymore posts on Jaihe’s Kitchen, I will continue to share recipes on my blog, With Her, Having Coffee. I had a lot of fun creating this e-book and will utilize Microsoft Publisher in the future for other projects. I actually had no idea Windows laptops had their own version of Pages. I hope you enjoy reading my e-book and look forward to seeing everyone else’s.

Final E-Book – Sarah Jaihe Lee

FoodBlogger’s Digest

I did an e-book as the medium for my final project. I have a windows laptop so I used windows publisher as the software for this project. I decided to do my final project about blogging because we blogged on a weekly basis for this course so it was the topic I felt most comfortable and passionate about. I never blogged before this course and I found it to be a lot of fun and very easy to do. I learned a lot about blogging and the techniques used to become a better blogger over this past semester. There were so many things I learned about blogging that I never knew before. I created an e-book to pretty much give a tutorial on how to create a blog and the different techniques used in blogging. Since I created my own personal food blog this past semester for this class, I thought it would be nice to share how I created a food blog and what it contained inside the food blog. The first page goes over what blogging is on a definition basis and what it means to me. The second page goes into the specifics of how to create a blog using the website that we learned in the first day of class. I teach everyone how to create a new page and create posts for their daily or weekly blog posts. The third page is the inside scoop of what new bloggers should know such as the appearance of a blog and what it should contain! I hope you all enjoy it!

Final Project

My final project is an e-book about the positives and negatives of blogging. When I first started this class, I only saw a few good things about blogs but I didn’t realize how beneficial they could be. There are still negative aspects of blogs though, and this was clear throughout our course as well. Taking this course has given me a new perspective about blogging and other technology-based mediums, though. I didn’t know what podcasts were even used for, but I now realize they have a much larger scope than I thought. This class has ultimately broadened my mind and allowed me to try things that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. Blogging about something I’m passionate about was really rewarding for me. And reading thought-provoking articles and discussing them online is something I don’t normally do, usually it’s just verbal discussion. Online discussion offers a lot more time to think, which was definitely a nice change. I love learning new things and this class provided me with a lot of information to contemplate.

Achieving Internet Success – Final E-Book by Ariel Kramer

My e-book project is called Achieving Internet Success: Using the Internet to Your Advantage. It’s meant to be part of a seasonal series of educational magazines about how to use the bounties of the internet to conduct and better your business and career goals. I chose to create this e-book as my final project because I feel that, though we’ve learned a lot of interesting things this semester, it seems that the overall point of the semester was learning what the internet has to offer people when it comes to career advancement. Sites like YouTube and Audacity allow people to show off their talents and knowledge and compile fan bases for free and without a lot of technical knowledge. Online publishing allows for people to publish their books and magazines for less money and without having to pay professional agents and such for fees. These avenues are also all relatively easy for a novice to learn without more than a quick website tutorial. It’s absolutely amazing all of the ways that internet and its applications have opened up door for professionals or professional hopefuls to get their goods and skills out into the world for little or no cost and with little effort. In this Spring 2014 edition of “Achieving Internet Success”, I have 3 different articles. The first articles discusses the YouTube success stories of Jenna Marbles and Justin Bieber. The second article is about how to publish an e-book using online self-publishing techniques. The third articles discusses the benefits of creating a professional online presence through social media, YouTube and blogging.